After 2nd day in hospital's nursery,doctor allowed us to go home. For the first weeks of confinement,we stay at nenet's house, nenet look after me and help mama during her confinement.
Day 8, nenet,tok abah and papa drove us to Tok ma's house,since day 8 untill day-30th,Tok ma took over nenet's job helping mama to look after me and as well mama need 'Mak Bidan' (Traditional Postnatal masseur)
My hair also been shaved,i also wonder everybody said i got lovely hair when i was born but mama want me bold. Maybe mama have her own reason.
(anyway,now i have a super double lovely hair,thank mama to let 'mak bidan' shave my hair')
Most newborn baby sleep all the day,during that time,i sleep almost 18 to 20 hours a day and my stomach also as tiny as a peas,Even i was so sleepy,but i'll wake up in the middle of process scream for mama breast's milk. When i scream,i make mama even everyone in the house panicked,sometime not because of i'm hungry,sometime i had gas in my stomach and sometime i need to be comforted and even worse i just want them to be panicked. :)))
***Will continue my newborn story in Part 3**
but now,plz enjoy my video and photos
(Recorded by Tok abah,cleaned process just after the delivery)
(Day 3 @ nenet's house,bath and dress up by nenet)
(Actually not day 2,but day 3, everybody seems happy when i around, Aunty Has (Ibu's friend), Ibu (Lady with red shirt), pak ucu (The'chubby'one)
(8th day of confiment)
Yeay..time to go home..
I'm ready now...
Don't u think i'm cute? Mama told me..i look like a hamster in this photo
She the one who shave my hair..hmmpp..i miss my old hair
Buweekkk...i'm bold but beautiful
Another bold version
Me + Mama during our last of confinement day
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